2018.9-今 同济大学,环境科学与工程,博士在读
2015.9-2018.7 浙江师范大学,地理环境与污染控制,硕士
2011.9-2015.6 青岛农业大学,环境工程,学士
[1] “Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor: an unified approach to construct topography and to evaluate interaction energy between two randomly rough surfaces”发表于《Bioresource Technology》(第一作者,SCI 1区top,IF2017=5.807);
[2] “Quantification of interfacial interactions between a rough sludge floc and membrane surface in a membrane bioreactor”发表于《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》(第一作者,SCI 2区,IF2017=5.091);
[3] “Influences of fractal dimension of membrane surface on interfacial interactions related to membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor”发表于《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》(第一作者,SCI 2区,IF2017=5.091);
[4] “Impacts of morphology on fouling propensity in a membrane bioreactor based on thermodynamic analyses”发表于《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》(第一作者,SCI 2区,IF2017=5.091);
[5] “Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor: new method and its applications in interfacial interaction quantification”发表于《Bioresource Technology》(共同一作,SCI 1区top,IF2017=5.807);
[6] “A novel integrated method for quantification of interfacial interactions between two rough bioparticles”发表于《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》(共同一作,SCI 2区,IF2017=5.091);
(1)“2017年华东地区膜科学与技术研究生学术论坛” 口头报告—《定量化计算膜生物反应器中随机粗糙的污泥颗粒与随机粗糙的膜表面之间的界面相互作用》
(2)“第五届中国膜科学与技术报告会” 墙报—《膜生物反应器中膜污染的界面热力学定量计算方法》